Sharing the Good News

with Newberg and Beyond


College Street Church is a new Open Bible church in Newberg, Oregon, but our roots run deep. The property on College Street has been part of our denomination for over 50 years, and we’re excited to bring renewed vision to this historic church and serve our city in new ways. Led by Pastors Hannah and Jordan Bemis, we’re here to create a welcoming community where everyone can encounter the love of Jesus and grow in their faith.



Our mission is simple: Good News. Great Joy. All People. We exist to share the life-changing message of Jesus with everyone, no matter their story. We will not limit our love to those who are most like us but will instead do what Jesus did, joyfully opening our doors and our arms to people from every kind of background.   

Our vision is to Gather, Grow, and Go. As we do life and become more like Jesus together, we will naturally extend our arms beyond our walls. We hope to become a community that is missional and multiplying, made up of deeply-rooted, sent disciples.


The following are statements that reflect our desired culture, but we recognize we will fall short at times. Leaning into the Holy Spirit’s help and holding each other accountable, we will strive to live these out and continue growing in each area. 

Every moment of serving or achieving should be sourced in time spent with God. We will not lead on empty but out of an overflow of His presence. 

Recognizing everything we have is gifted by God, we want to remain open-handed. We will consistently give away our best: our talents, our leaders, our money, our resources. 

We believe it is every generation’s task to raise up and equip the one behind it. We will intentionally prioritize our children, teenagers, and young adults, recognizing them as future Kingdom builders. 

True disciples are not uprooted by changes in personal circumstances or culture. We will stay planted in God’s Word and in our relationship with Him. We will not avoid the world, but will engage it with grace and truth. 

Real peace is found by going through conflict, not around it. We will engage controversial topics both from the pulpit and in face-to-face conversations, having grace and respect for each other when we disagree. 

Communion and community are non-negotiable parts of Christian life. Whether sharing a meal around the table or working side by side, we will share both our laughter and our losses, that the Church might truly be family.  

To be an emotionally healthy disciple, soul care is necessary. We will advocate for spiritual direction and counseling for our pastors, leaders, and families, and we will model vulnerability and honesty in our communication. 

Success is not measured by how many more members our church adds, but by how many new disciples and churches our church sends out. We will work to multiply God’s kingdom instead of building one of our own. 


Our beliefs are grounded in the Bible and reflect the core truths of the Christian faith. We believe in the power of God’s Word, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Learn more about our foundational beliefs by visiting our full Statement of Faith.